The Guilhaumard Plateau

  • Access : From Fondamente to Le Clapier (D93) the road runs along the side of the plateau made up of cliffs, fields, scrub and man water-holes known as “lavognes”. Take the D493 to Pas du Licous (734 metres above sea-level) where the road forks. One track leads to la Jasse, a scrubby habitat on top of the southern cliffs of the plateau. The other leads towards the interior of the plateau, the northern cliffs and le Roque de Moure. Tranquillity guaranteed ! The ideal way to travel these tracks, all leading to dead-ends, is by bicycle. Magnificent views towards le Caroux, la montagne Noire as well as The Pyrenees.
  • IGN map : 2542 Est, Cornus.
  • Best time to visit : Anytime between the March and October migrations.
  • Key birds :
    • All year : Golden Eagle, Hen Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Chough, Raven, Sardinian Warbler.
    • Migration : Osprey, Black Kite, Honey Buzzard, Merlin, Bee-eater, Hawfinch and many songbird species.
    • Spring and Summer : Honey Buzzard, Booted Eagle, Montagu’s Harrier, Hobby, Red-footed Falcon, Eleanora’s Falcon (regular from May to September), Red Backed Shrike, Tawny Pipit, Woodlark, Nightjar, Orphean Warbler, Subalpine Warbler, Hoopoe, Crag Martin, Alpine Swift, Turtle Dove and Wryneck.

Not to mention many orchid species including Orphrys aveyronnensis.

François Legendre and Robert Straughan.

translated by Robert Straughan.

Honey Buzzard – Bruno Berthémy