Rodez Airport

  • Access : From Rodez, take the N140 towards Decazeville. Continue beyond the airport (found around 10km after Rodez) then take the first left (D626). Follow this road for 1km before taking the first left again. 300m further there is a stony track on the left. Follow this track and park in front of the quarry. The birding interest starts here and continues along the same path.
  • IGN map : 2339 Est (1/25000).
  • Best time to visit : Spring and Winter.
  • Key birds :
    • Spring : Hen Harrier, Montagu’s Harrier, Stone Curlew, Hoopoe, Red Backed Shrike and Rock Sparrow.
    • Winter : Merlin, Lapwing, Golden Plover and Great Grey Shrike.

translated by Robert Straughan.

Lapwing – Thibault Mazars