The Comtal Causse

  • Access : From Rodez, follow signs for Espalion (D988). The Comtal Causse starts just after the village of Sébazac-Couourès (5km after Rodez). From here many paths allow the discovery of this very open habitat.
  • IGN map : 2439 Ouest (1/25000).
  • Best time to visit : Spring.
  • Key birds :
    • Spring : Short Toed Eagle, Hobby, Stone Curlew, Hoopoe, Wryneck, Tawny Pipit, Red Backed Shrike, Orphean Warbler, Whitethroat and Wheatear.

translated by Robert Straughan.

Burhinus oedicnemus – F. Merland

Common Whitethroat – F. Merland