The Larzac

  • Access from Millau and La Cavalerie : Visit the triangle formed by La Cavalerie, and the farms at Beaumescure and St Michel du Larzac.
  • IGN map : 2541 Ouest and 2541 Est.
  • Key birds :
    • All year : Griffon Vulture, Black Vulture, Golden Eagle, Hen Harrier, Southern Grey Shrike and Chough.
    • Spring and Summer : Egyptian Vulture, Montagu’s Harrier, Hobby, Lesser Kestrel (twice), Red-footed Falcon, Red-legged Partridge, Little Bustard (?), Dotterel, Lapwing, Stone Curlew, Little Owl, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Wryneck, Calandra Lark (2005), Short-toed Lark, Tawny Pipit, Red-throated Pipit (?), Woodchat Shrike, Red Backed Shrike, Dartford Warbler, Spectacled Warbler, Wheatear, Black-eared Wheatear, Rock Thrush, Ring Ouzel (passage), Rock Sparrow, Corn Bunting and Ortolan Bunting.

François Legendre and Robert Straughan.

translated by Robert Straughan.

Red-footed Falcon -Thierry Vergely

Egyptian Vulture – Bruno Berthémy